13+ years as an IELTS trainer has taught me that for many students, the Listening test is a very challenging one. I have further guided thousands of candidates to build
Hi, I’m Karan Kumar, a successful IELTS COACH with years of experience in coaching students to write to perfection and to secure high scores in IELTS. Before, IELTS Writing was
Hello, My name is Karan Kumar, and I am a professional IELTS coach helping Thousands of students prepare for the IELTS exam. The hardest part of any IELTS exam is
The IELTS Speaking Test is meant to look into fluency, coherence, lexis, grammar, and pronunciation. It has 3 parts: Introduction & Interview, Cue Card, and Discussion. I’m Your Local IELTS
I have had over 13 years of IELTS coaching online with thousands of students. A lot of them have raised concerns regarding the reading portion of the exam. Most find
With over 14+ years, I Karan Kumar (K.K) have helped countless students to achieve their ideal IELTS band scores—and now it’s your turn!