Describe a Person Who Impressed You in Primary School | IELTS Cue Card

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As your IELTS instructor, I know how crucial the speaking part of your IELTS exam is. In this part, one of the most significant rounds will include the Cue Card round due to its nature as part two of the task. You’ll be given a specific topic that you have to talk clearly and confidently about. Don’t forget that you have one minute to prepare before you are allowed to speak.

One of the most common cue card topics is: “Describe a person who impressed you in primary school.” While it sounds easy, many students struggle to answer. That is why I have compiled some sample answers in this blog to help you ace questions like this with ease. Let’s dive in and get started!

Sample 1 – Describe a Person who Impressed You in Primary School


My favorite teacher was my sports teacher in primary school, Mr. Arjun, during my childhood. He was such an extraordinary mentor and source of inspiration for all of us; he always reminded us about the importance of being disciplined, very active, and, above all, an epitome of a version of ourselves.

How did you know him/her?

The first time I saw Mr. Arjun was when I was in class 2. Our school had just started physical education classes, and they assigned him as our sports teacher. The first thing that I noticed about him was his positive attitude and how he motivated everyone, even those students who did not like playing games.

What made him/her impress you the most?

I was impressed most by Mr. Arjun. He believed in me even when I did not believe in myself. I did not participate in any physical activities as I did not believe in my skills. However, he recognized that I was sitting alone during games and advised me to join the relay race team. He gave me practice patiently during school hours and stayed back after school to show me how to improve my running style. Eventually, I participated in the annual sports day and gained second place in the relay race, which was a big deal for me at that time.

How do you feel about him/her?

I am deeply thankful to Mr. Arjun because he made me venture out of my shell and boosted my confidence level in me. He has taught me to believe in perseverance and hard work along with teamwork-a lessons that I still live by today. Because of him, I developed an interest in sports, and I continued my athletic events through school. So, I will never forget him; he is one of the most encouraging and impact-making teachers in my life.

Sample 2 – Describe a Person Who Impressed You in Primary School


My best friend in primary school was my inspiration. She was not just intelligent and creative but also very friendly, always ready to assist others. Her kind gestures and dedication to learning leave an indelible mark.

How did you know him/her?

Aditi and I became friends when she joined our school in class 4. I had seen her first in an art competition where she made this very beautiful painting of a sunset, so beautiful that the teachers as well as the students were amazed. I thought of sitting beside her in class because I wanted to get better acquainted with her.

What made him/her impress you the most?

The most impressive quality of Aditi was how effortlessly she managed everything. She topped the class every single time, but she never boasted about it. Instead, she used to help me with my math problems since I struggled a lot with math. Such patience with explanations means that I eventually began to grasp and even start enjoying math. I learned that through hard work and consistency, anything is possible here.

And how do you feel about him/her?

I feel lucky to have such a friend in Aditi when I was at such a young age. She not only helped me with my studies but also taught me about the value of kindness and generosity. Today, I can recall her as someone who inspired me to work harder and always keep my feet grounded.

Sample 1 – Describe a Person Who Impressed You in Primary School


The person who impressed me most in primary school was our librarian, Mrs. Meena. She had a warm and friendly personality and made the library one of the most exciting places in school.

How did you know him/her?

I met Mrs. Meena in class 5 and started visiting the school library regularly. I loved reading but somehow didn’t know where to begin. Mrs. Meena noticed this and initiated me to some great storybooks, including adventure and mystery novels, which I became more interested in.

Why did he/she impress you the most?

Mrs. Meena impressed me greatly because she had a passion for books and knowledge. She insisted that the students read diverse kinds of books and let us understand that reading may open new worlds for us. She would even hold weekly storytelling sessions, where she would narrate stories so vividly that we felt a part of it. I started eagerly looking forward to every visit to the library, and my reading skills improved drastically due to her.

How do you feel about him/her?

I feel highly thankful to Mrs. Meena for filling my heart with a love for reading from such an early age. Thanks to her, I became a confident reader, and later on, that helped me do well in subjects like English and literature. She stands out as one of the most inspiring and memorable people from the days of my primary school.

IELTS Cue Card Topics

Describe an Exciting Book That You Enjoy Reading

Describe A Skill That You Can Teach Other People

Describe a Volunteering Experience You Have Had

Describe a Bag You Want to Own

Describe Your First Day at School

Describe a Time When You Felt Bored

Describe a Time you Made a Promise To Someone

IELTS Speaking Part 3 – Follow-up Questions for “Describe a Person Who Impressed You in Primary School”

You will have about 4-5 minutes to discuss general questions in this section. Here are some sample follow-up questions and answers:

1. Why do people always miss their childhood?
Most people miss their childhood because it is usually considered the happiest time of life. There are no major responsibilities or worries, and we get to enjoy plenty of free time doing what we love. It’s also a period where we discover our interests, build strong friendships, and admire role models who inspire us for life.

2. Are kids happier than adults? Why?
Yes, children are generally happier than adults. Adults have to deal with burdens of career, finance, and health, and hence they do not find much time to relax or even enjoy their life. Children do not face such issues. However, nowadays, children are under too much pressure from school assignments and extracurricular activities, which sometimes may make childhood less joyful.

3. Why do people remember so many of their elementary school friends?
We remember our classmates when we were in elementary school. That was a long period, and during that time, we got to know the person-to-person, like and dislike relationships with one another. It’s when we are actually familiar with everyone around us, which will really stay with us for life.

4. What kinds of primary school teachers impress students?
Teachers who leave an impression on the minds of primary school students are usually balanced and caring. They know that the young mind is at a very important stage of development and so teach not only academics but also good habits and values. Patient, engaging, and encouraging teachers inspire students the most.

5. Did you have a happy childhood?
Yes, my childhood was very happy. I used to spend a lot of quality time with my friends, play games, and go out with my family for many outings. I didn’t have too much academic pressure because I always managed to score well with minimal effort. In general, I had many opportunities to have fun and make great memories.

6. What activities did you like as a child?
As a child, I loved playing outdoor games with friends, mainly cricket and football. Painting was also another hobby I had apart from the long drives I would make with my father. I used to be very keen on sports so I managed to talk my parents into sending me to a sports coaching center- one of the best decisions of my childhood.

7. What uncomfortable circumstances did you encounter as a child?
It was during sports day when I fell from the stage after being given an award. This time I had won the “Player of the Series” trophy and while stepping up to collect it, slipped and fell. My whole class and even teachers laughed over my failure, and I was completely humiliated.

8. What abilities impressed you as a student in your primary school?
The most impressive qualities of my fellow students were curiosity, kindness, and helpfulness. Classmates who were more competitive yet supportive and willing to share their knowledge or help others out were admired by me. Their friendly and peaceful nature really created a very positive and encouraging environment for everyone.

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