Describe an Activity That You Do After School/Work IELTS Cue Card

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“Describe an activity that you do after school/work” is yet another popular cue card topic in the IELTS Speaking test. You may discuss something you do yourself or even an activity done by those who are close to you, such as your friends or family members.

Having taught IELTS for 13 years now, I have mostly been guiding students on how to crack this cue card so that it would give an original, impressive, effective feeling.

Just let me break it down for you. The IELTS test is trusted by over 12,000 organizations around the world, and runs sections of workshops on its function:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Listening
  • Speaking

The Speaking test is where you really show your fluency, and lasts about 11-14 minutes. This is a perfect opportunity to exhibit your propensity for speaking about routines, hobbies, or even personal interests.

How to Answer the Cue Card: Describe an Activity That You Do After School/Work

When the examiner gives you the cue card, the first thing you should do is get your answer organized. With 3–4 minutes allocated for the test, you only get 1 minute for preparation. Use that time intelligently to write keywords or phrases that come to mind while planning your answer.

Here is a structured approach for the cue card topic “Describe an activity that you do after school/work”:


Write, in one short paragraph, what activities you are interested in.
Explain how they bring you joy or are relaxing.
For example, if you are interested in dancing, state that you are passionate about it and that it lifts up your spirits.

Describe the Activity

Clearly name the activity that you do after school or work.
Provide the details of what that activity involves, how often you do it, and why you enjoy it.

Who You Do the Activity With

Mention whether you do this activity alone or with a group.
If it is discussed with a group, identify the person or group, sharing one particular occasion that was enjoyable or meant a great deal to you.

Reasons for Doing the Activity

Describe the things that matter to you.
For example, if you play the piano after school, this could help you to unwind and calm your mind after scoring a tiring long day.


Finish up by summarizing what you have mentioned about this activity.
Describe how this activity benefits you in your life and what you look forward to after school or work.

1 Sample Answer

Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work:


Once your day’s work or school is over, unwinding can help rejuvenate you for another day ahead. Keeping one’s self occupied by doing enjoyable things takes a whole lot off your mind, and therefore keeps you mentally fresh for the next day.

Describe the Activity That You Do After School/Work

The activity I usually prefer after work is gardening. About an hour every evening in the garden consists of watering plants, pruning leaves, or sometimes even planting new flowers or vegetables. That was a peaceful way to connect with nature.

Describe the Person With Whom You Do the Activity

Usually, I garden with my mother. She is a passionate gardener and has had a green thumb since. She is the one who has inspired me in this hobby.

Reasons to Do the Activity After School/Work

I like gardening with my mother because being alone with her is calm for my mind and heart. More importantly, she teaches me about various plants, their caregiving, and which time of the day or season to plant them. It is a bonding time for us. I have learned so much about patience and nurturing through this activity.


Gardening has, besides all that, made me connect with my mother, and helped me to appreciate nature’s beauty. It is a rewarding way I get to relieve my stress and feel satisfied at the end of the day.

2 Sample Answer

Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work


In my opinion, it is important that one engages in an enjoyable activity after a busy day at work or school to de-stress and uplift the spirit. My after-school or post-working hours routine has always been a terrific habit for balancing my active lifestyle.

Describe the Activity That You Do After School/Work

One of my favorite activities is riding the bike. I go cycling around the neighborhood or to a park not too far from where my home is. It is great for clearing my mind and being active. Usually, I spend 45 minutes to one full hour each evening cycling.

Describe the Person With Whom You Do the Activity

I generally cycle with my best friend who happens to live next vicinity. We have been biking buddies since childhood; it has, for us, become a way to meet and share our quality time.

Reasons to Do the Activity After School/Work

Cycling keeps my mind free and keeps me in shape. Besides, it’s a really joyful way to discover previously unknown trails and admire nature. Me and my best friend often race or challenge each other, which has immensely added to its enjoyment and gain.


Cycling not only helps me from shedding off some stress but also significantly strengthens the bond with my best friend. It speaks perfectly of fitness, fun, and relaxation that I look forward to every day.

IELTS Cue Card Topics

Describe an Exciting Book That You Enjoy Reading

Describe A Skill That You Can Teach Other People

Describe a Volunteering Experience You Have Had

Describe a Bag You Want to Own

Describe Your First Day at School

Describe a Time When You Felt Bored

Describe a Time you Made a Promise To Someone

Describe An Activity That You Do After School/Work: Follow-Up Questions

In the 3rd part of the IELTS Speaking exam, the examiner can ask any follow-up questions related to your cue card topic. This last section lasts between 4-5 minutes and is now more discussion-oriented, where you can elaborate on your thoughts.
Stick to short, relevant, and well-supported answers at all times. Always keep your voice polite and confident, thus leaving a good impression on the examiner.

Here are a few follow-up questions followed by sample answers based on the cue card topic, “Describe an activity that you do after school/work.”

Q. What are the popular outdoor sports activities preferred by Indians?
A. In India, popular outdoor sports for the youth are cricket, football, and badminton. Older people prefer walking or jogging. However, with the digitalization of everything, youngsters have taken to playing these games virtually on their phones or computers.

Q. In what ways do you think activities help in having a positive mindset?
A. Activities can be a wonderful means of relieving stress after a long school or work day – a way to relax and recharge one’s mindset. For instance, both physical and creative activities can provide a sense of accomplishment, nowadays promote positivity, and prepare the brain for other future challenges.

Q. Do you see yourself continuing your favorite activity in the future? Why or why not?
A. Dancing is a fun activity that I will keep doing even in the future. It helps me release my stress hormones as well as uplift my mood and energize me. It has become an essential part of my life, and it promotes my overall health so well that one of these days I may become a professional.

Q. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports activities?
A. These sports perhaps excite the mind due to the risks and adrenaline rush involved. People relish indulging in them since they offer an experience that breaks the monotony of daily life. It’s also a medium for people to prove themselves by going that little extra and coming out of their comfort zones.

Q. Do you want to achieve any goals or milestones through the activity?
A. Indeed, I want to transform my hobby of designing into a professional career. With time, I have grown to feel confident regarding how to design for good usability and aesthetics. I aim to create great websites and applications that display my creativity and skills.

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