Advantages & Disadvantages of Studying Abroad: An Overview

Advantages & Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

Table of Contents

Hey there, it’s Karan Kumar! I have been teaching IELTS for the last 13 years and genuinely feel your pain as most students cannot bring up satisfactory performance on the IELTS Writing Task. It can be quite difficult for many candidates, it tests the ability to present a well-articulated and coherent essay on any given topic. Over the years, I’ve seen how crucial it is to sharpen your essay writing skills if you want to score well.

One of the common types of essays you will encounter is the ‘Advantages and Disadvantages’ essay — like the Writing topic of Benefits and Challenges of Obtaining an International Education IELTS. These essays test your ability to weigh both the pros and cons of a particular issue. To prepare students for this section, I always highlight the need for more practice. And, let me tell you this: the only way to make proper preparation for the IELTS Writing Task is to work through lots of example essays.

That is why on, I have accumulated an exhaustive list of practice tests meant to help you improve in essay writing. I can say confidently that if you spend some time practicing these resources, you will confidently come out with the best skills and expertise to pass at high scores.

Quick Tips

  1. This job should take you roughly forty minutes to complete.
  2. Include any pertinent examples from your own knowledge or experience along with justifications for your response.
  3. A minimum of 250 words must be written.

Writing Task Sample Answer 1: Benefits and Challenges of Obtaining an International Education IELTS Writing

Nowadays, many students have opted for higher education abroad in various institutions. While this trend offers many benefits through studying abroad, I consider the disadvantages of this trend to be more significant compared to the advantages associated with it.

But on the other hand, studying abroad has many advantages. First of all, staying alone in a foreign country shapes them into becoming independent individuals. In the case of students, for example, they will personally handle matters such as cooking, cleaning, and paying utility bills. Another thing, studying abroad gives students the culture and traditions that widen their world outlook. They are able to learn other languages, which further helps students to get along with their environment. Foreign universities are more advanced in certain courses, and the qualifications one obtains from these institutions increase one’s chances of acquiring better salaries and good opportunities at the workplace.

However, I believe that the disadvantages of studying abroad weigh much heavier. First, its psychological impact on students. Drawing from my personal experience, the environment abroad, especially far away from family and friends, sometimes makes a student experience a bout of homesickness or even depression. Second, crossing over one’s own culture may lead to culture shock by which a student’s academic performance might be affected adversely. Another major challenge is the stress caused by administrative procedures, such as getting visas or finding proper accommodation. This complicates matters and even adds stress to students’ lives and distracts their studies. Language issues are also huge challenges. Students who cannot achieve language proficiency end up experiencing unfavorable outcomes during their academic journey, impacting both their academic progress and socialization, which can result in isolation and possible academic failure.

In conclusion, the disadvantages of studying abroad are more than their advantages. Students, before making a decision to go through education in another country, need to weigh out these challenges.


  1. Opt– A formal synonym for “have opted for.”
  2. Independent– A strong synonym for “shapes them into becoming independent.”
  3. Fluency– A more specific word for “language proficiency.”
  4. Homesickness– A more exact word for “homesickness or even depression.”
  5. Culture shock– A refined term for “crossing over one’s own culture.”
  6. Administrative hurdles– A more formal term for “administrative procedures.”
  7. Isolation– A more specific term for “isolation and possible academic failure.”
  8. Weigh– A formal synonym for “weigh out.”
  9. Drawbacks– A direct synonym for “disadvantages.”

Writing Task Sample Answer 2: Benefits and Challenges of Obtaining an International Education IELTS Writing

It is highly evident that more students choose to study abroad these days as compared to any other period in the last few years. But studying in another country has its advantages and disadvantages. In my personal view, I consider the advantages of studying abroad to outweigh its disadvantages for a student to such an extent.

On the other hand, some argue that studying abroad has several disadvantages including that it is generally more expensive to study overseas than to study in one’s home country. Due to studying overseas, a student’s parents shall have to budget for travel fares, accommodation, food, and even clothing apart from the tuition fee. Furthermore, some students get frustrated by staying in an unfamiliar cultural and linguistic environment, which may affect one’s mental well-being or academic performance. The adjustments with these differences can easily divert a student from focusing on studies, and at times, students may even stop studying to earn money instead.

On the other hand, some view studying abroad to be of great benefit to students. To start with, it avails them the chance to learn a new language and culture, hence increasing their knowledge. Secondly, staying in another country makes the students become independent since they are exposed to tasks like preparing their own food and cleaning as well as controlling their finances. More than that, international students tend to make friendships with other cultures. This implies making friendships across cultures. In some countries, an international degree even adds value to job prospects for the student and adds value to his resume.

After being compared by side, it is found that foreign studying has positive and negative effects but the advantages are more significant. Hence, young persons should be encouraged to pursue education abroad. Despite facing many financial dilemmas, various scholarships are now available to aid students in pursuing their dream studies abroad.


  1. Obvious– A straightforward word to replace “highly evident.”
  2. Opt– A concise way of saying “choose.”
  3. Drawbacks– A more compact term for “disadvantages.”
  4. Surpass– A refined replacement for “outweigh.”
  5. Allocate– A precise word for “budget for.”
  6. Lodging– A formal synonym for “accommodation.”
  7. Disheartened– A more specific word for “frustrated.”
  8. Adaptations– A more sophisticated alternative to “adjustments.”
  9. Self-sufficient– A strong alternative to “independent.”
  10. Aspiration– A formal term for “dream.”

9 Band Writing Task Sample Answer 3: Benefits and Challenges of Obtaining an International Education IELTS Writing

Advantages & Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

Remember that frequent practice with various example essays will build up your confidence and sharpen your skills. Stick to it, and be assured that, with the right approach and support, you’ll shine at IELTS writing. I am right there with you all the way: high scores await!

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